
Monday, November 30, 2015

June 2015 Part 1

Please excuse the really crappy photo of my first page documenting this past June.  I worked on this page until after dark last night and had to take it to work to photograph it.  I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark this time of seriously sucks. So I had to take this picture in the parking lot (can you see the asphalt? lol) and it was windy so I could not take the cards out of the pockets.  I will take a better picture over the weekend but for now since the challenge deadline is only 3 hours away, this will have to do.  I used this sketch from Sketches in Thyme Project Life for the left side of my title card in the upper left hand corner.   

Here is a photo of just that card:

I have never used sketches for any of my Project Life cards before and now that I have done it 3 times, I rather like it.

Thanks for stopping by tonight.  I don't know about you, but I am REALLY glad Monday is over.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

All My Crew Together

I was really excited when my son sent me this picture in a text message.  All four of my grandchildren are in this one picture. I only have one other picture where they are all together and that was when the youngest, Izzy was a newborn. So I enlarged the photo and this layout is for ME.  I am sure I will scrap the picture a couple more times for my grandchildren's albums but for the time being I am keeping this page.

I used this awesome sketch from Laura Whitaker for Scrap Much?:

I am linking it up with to their challenge with only 2 hours to that is cutting it close!

Well it is back to work tomorrow.  My hubby and I have been on vacation for 9 days and have had a wonderful time with the perfect mix of work and play.  The good news is that we have another 11 days off coming up over Christmas so I do not mind going back to work too much.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.


Celebrate This Day

My nephew is turning 19 this week and I wanted to send him a birthday card.  These birds by Tim Holtz are perfect for a masculine card and so much fun to add the accessories.  I was inspired by the colors of navy and coral in this inspiration photo from Altenew Stamps as well as the wood veneer house. The sentiment is also from Altenew stamps....I just love the large font paired with the smaller typewriter font.

I am entering it in their November photo inspiration challenge and also in Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Anything Goes challenge.

I am also entering this card in the Seize the Birthday's Anything Goes challenge.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.


Merry and Happy

I only have a few more Christmas cards to make and I enjoyed making 3 tonight.  I used this awesome clean and simple sketch from CAS(E) This Sketch:

I am also entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge

Thanks for stopping by....I hope you are having a very enjoyable weekend.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

You Rock Uncle Dave

This is the last page I needed to create to fill up a scrapbook for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law.  They have four fun and active kids and Cheri works full time so there is really no time for her to document her children growing up.  So I occasionally create scrapbook pages for them and I finally filled the first of what I hope to be many more albums.  This is 6 year old Gabriel with my hubby...his favorite Uncle Dave.  And I think Gabriel is special to Dave too.  These two have a great deal of fun together whenever we get to see their family.

For this page I used this awesome sketch by Laura Whitaker for Stuck? Sketches:

We have been very busy during our week off.  But our house is all decorated and most of our shopping is done. I plan on relaxing and being creative the rest of the weekend.  How are your Christmas preparations coming along?


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Season's Tweetings Tag

I created another tag for the 25 Days of Tags that Tracey McNeeley is hosting.

 I loved her tag from day #10.  It inspired the background on my tag and also the previous tag I posted. Here is her tag:

I was also inspired by the button and ribbon on the top of Leigh Penner's day #19 tag.  You can see it here:

I am also entering this card in the Lawnscaping Challenge #115....In With The Old.  I have owned the Season's Tweetings Set for a couple of years and I LOVE it.  I use it every year.  I also have had the hillside die with the trees  for awhile but these two tags that I did this week were the first time I used this wonderful die.

Finally, I am also entering this tag in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy Thanksgiving and your long weekend if you live in the US.  I have been on vacation all week and have been loving it.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Gabe

This is another page for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's scrapbook.  One more page and it is full for them.  I am giving it to them for Christmas.  I love to scrap pictures of their adorable kids.  And having 4 children under the age of 7 AND working full time, Cheri sure does not have the time to do any scrapbooking.  This is a picture of Gabriel on his 4th birthday have a piece of the birthday cheesecake that he requested his mom make him....too funny!

I used this great sketch from Laura Whitaker for Stuck? Sketches:

That's about it for tonight.  I hope all the readers of my blog have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

So Very Thankful

I just love the little hedgehog on this 3x4 journaling card so I stamped on it and used it on the front of a Thanksgiving card for my niece and her family in North Carolina.  I used this awesome sketch from Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps and am entering it in their November 18th Wonderful Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge

I am also entering this card in Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Thanksgiving Challenge

Thanks so much for stopping by~


Monday, November 23, 2015

Winter Penguin tag

Wow!  I did not realize that is has been over a week since my last blog post.  We have been very busy and I have not had a whole lot of time to craft or blog.  I am on vacation all this week so I hope that changes but the week has already started off very busy.  At least I got this sweet little tag created today.  Tracy McNeely is having her 25 Days of Tags again this year. 

 I soooo loved all the tags and inspiration last year that I was excited to see it again this year.  My tag (pictured above) is actually inspired by Tracy herself and this tag of hers from Day #10.  In addition to all the inspiration there are some awesome prizes as well.

I thought it looked like a quick and easy tag...HA! It took me nearly 2 hours to make .  And the first tag I spent time on was too small for the penguin and the sentiment.  I saved it and will be able to use it on a card or for another tag. 

I have had this sweet little stamp for a couple of years and must admit that it is still one of my favorites.  This is the first I have used it this year.  I am also entering this tag in Lawnscaping's In With The Old challenge to use an older Lawn Fawn stamp.

Thanks for stopping by....have you made any tags this holiday season?


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sending A Little Something

I was going for a cozy, rustic look with this Christmas card and I think I achieved it.  I will be enclosing some cash or a figt card in here for the lucky receiver of this card so they can do a little after Christmas shopping.

I used this lovely sketch (I just rotated the position of the tag) from Viva La Verve sketches:

I am also entering this card in The Cat's Pajamas Anything Goes Tuesday Challenge.

Thanks for stopping by....hope your weekend was wonderful and your upcoming week productive.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 3

I actually surprised myself because between last night and today, I got 3 Project Life pages done.  AND, I have been sick!  I have been coughing up a storm as my hubby and I have upper respiratory infections.  But we got some good meds from the doctor last night so I feel like I am on the mend.  And my mojo was flowing so I went with it.  I do think I am going to bed early tonight with a big dose of Nyquil.

There is a new challenge blog and this one is concentrating on sketches for pocket pages.  I know several gals on their design teams so I have been wanting to work with the sketches. This is sketch #1 from Sketches in Thyme Project Life Style

I used it for my title card for the 3rd birthday page in my August documenting.  My hubby really spoiled me this year with a fabulous 4 day weekend and this was day #3:

He did a complete remodel for me of my creative space for my birthday -- new paint and flooring and we rearranged the furniture.  He ever built me a stand up work bench because it is much healthier to stand than sit.  But that is coming in my September pages.

Well, I am going to attempt to go back to work tomorrow so I better start getting ready to hit the hay.  I go to bed early because on work days we are up before 5am...ick.


Pizza Night

My hubby and I have both caught a bad upper respiratory bug and were home from work today.  I took the opportunity to work on my birthday pages for my August pocket pages.  Dave really spoiled me this year and gave me a long 3 day celebration for my birthday. On the first day (which was my actual birthday) we went into Orlando (about 90 minutes away) to see some sights and then to dinner at Giordano's for Chicago stuffed pizza.  We are originally from the Windy City and Giordano's was one of my favorites when I lived up there.  I am thrilled that they now have locations in Tampa and Orlando when we get a craving for a taste of home.

I used this sketch from Sketches in Thyme Project Life Style for the journaling card on the left:

Here is the page that I used it on:

Thanks for stopping by....I appreciate any kind comments you leave me.


Grandpa's Girls

There is a special bond between a grandparent and a child.  My granddaughters really love their grandpa and I wanted to document this relationship.  I used the great sketch from My Creative Sketches:

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.  I will be back soon to share some more creativity.  In the meantime, if you would like to enter this sketch challenge you have a few more days.  All the details can be found by clicking HERE


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

I saw this sketch and it screamed Christmas card to me.  I used a free printable 3x4 card from Paper Issues and stamped my sentiment on it with white pigment ink so it would look more like a chalkboard.  

I am entering this card in Viva La Verve's sketch challenge (I love their sketches and need to get some Christmas stamps from them)

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my creation.


Miss Lily

This is our niece Lily and I really loved her preschool pictures so I wanted to scrap them and add this page to the album I am making for her mom and dad for Christmas.  I used this awesome sketch from Sketch-n-Scrap:

 I have had a wonderfully creative weekend.  How about you?  Did you get to be creative this weekend?


Pilgrim Mice

As soon as I saw the Lawn Fawn new release of these little pilgrim mice, I emailed the owner of my local little scrapbook store and asked her to order them for me.  I love these little stamps and I inked them up and colored them for the first time yesterday.

I used the card sketch from Corri Garza for Paper Issues:

I am entering this sweet little card in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Thanksgving Challenge
Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Wonderful Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge

Thanks for stopping by....enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Let Our Lives Be Full

My hubby is not feeling very well this weekend so our project of painting the guest room is currently on hold. He is just resting and laying on the couch mostly so that leaves me plenty of creative time and I am putting it to good use.  I have a few more Thanksgiving cards that I want to make and then I am moving on to Christmas cards and tags.

For this card I used this lovely sketch from Mojo Monday:

I am also entering this card in the Wonderful Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps.
Since I used one of my favorite stamps from Neat & Tangled for the sentiment and that sweet little pumpkin, I am entering it in their Little Tangles Challenge #62 -- Thankful.

And speaking of thankful...I am thankful that you stopped by today to see what I have been creating.  Have a wonderful day.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

I came home tonight knowing exactly what card I wanted to make.  My room was neat, tidy and organized when I came home and in less than one hour I had created the above card but also created this mess:

How is that even possible?? LOL  I used this sketch from Die Cuttin' Divas:

I love the sketch and this is the die that I used:
The portion that I used was actually the negative portion from around the inner square that has the snowflake in it. I wanted to use the frame with the snowflake but my stamped image was a little too large and the snow flake covered a bit too much of it.

I am entering this card in the Newton Nook's Color Challenge to use pink, white, mint and teal. Honestly that has to be one of my favorite color combos and I love it on this Christmas card.  The stamp set is my brand new Festive Flamingos also from Newton's Nook.  I cannot wait to make some gift tags for my granddaughters with this set,

Well I better go.....I having some cleaning in my creative space to do!!  Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend!


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Give Thanks

I was a woman on a mission tonight after work.  I took a little snooze in the car....thankfully my hubby and I work together and he drives while I either talk his ear off or snooze on our 40 minute commute. When we got home, after changing into my lounging clothes (otherwise known as I headed straight for my creative space while Dave put together some dinner (I am very lucky to have married a guy who likes to cook) I made this card and another with sketches from Viva La Verve:

I just love their sketches and I was thrilled to be able to use 4 out of 5 sketches that they posted in October.  I only have about 30 minutes to get this card linked up....that is cutting it WAY too close.  LOL

I am also entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Thanks/Thanksgiving Challenge

So do you make cards for Thanksgiving? 


Keep Calm and Give Thanks

Tis the season to start my Thanksgiving cards.  I just love the colors of the fall season and I love telling my family and friends that I am grateful for them.  For this card I used lots of my Bella Blvd stash and this gorgeous sketch from Viva La Verve:

I am also entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Thanks/Thanksgiving Challenge

Well, only one more work day for me and then it is the weekend...yay!!  We are painting the guest room this weekend and I am attending an online crop....should be fun!  What are your plans?
