
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sending Canine Kisses

My friend Renata and I have been friends since 8th grade. She was my maid of honor in 1977.  She now lives in Florida also but a little further south of me.  We do however get together occasionally.  The last I saw her was in January.....that's when the above picture was taken.  We still act like goofy teenage girls when we get together.  It is her birthday this coming week (she is 3 months older than I am and I never let her forget it!).  Renata is an awesome person with a big heart and loves animals.  In fact she is very active in greyhound rescue. So I thought this card would be appropriate for her.

The image of the little girl with the puppy and the sentiment "Sending Canine Kisses" are from My Favorite Stamps and I also used their current sketch:

In addition to the MFT sketch challenge, I am also entering this card in Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge

That's it for now....hope you are enjoying your weekend as much as I am.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Happy Birthday Matt

Today is my oldest son's birthday.  To celebrate I made him this card.  I used the game controller background paper because we bought him and Xbox Elite controller for his birthday.  It was a little pricey but my husband said it was worth it.  We gave it to him early and he has been enjoying it immensely.

I used this awesome sketch from Viva La Verve for my card and I am linking it up to their sketch challenge.
I am also entering this card at Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge and

Here is a picture of my son and his two darling girls.  I live 1000+ miles away from them but I am very excited to be going to visit them in 3 weeks.  In the meantime, I think I will call and sing happy birthday to Matt tonight.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Happiest Place on Earth?

We took my granddaughter to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom when she was just 2 1/2 years old.  She clearly was not ready for the sensory overload, the crowds or standing in line.  We can laugh about it now but at the time it was not funny.  The next trip will be better.  To document this page I used this awesome sketch from Let's Get Sketchy:

Thank you for checking out my is hump day so that means my work week is more than half over.....yay!!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kick Up Your Heels & Celebrate

It is my little brother's birthday next week.  He lives in Michigan so I really need to get his card in the mail.  I came home after work today and knocked this one out before dinner.  It works best for me that way because often if I wait until after dinner I am too tired to be motivated and creative enough to get crafty.

Using this fun sketch from Your Next Stamp made this card rather simple to design.

I am also entering this card in the Tuesday Throwdown Anything Goes challenge.

Thanks for checking out my blog....I appreciate the visit.


Monday, April 25, 2016

On The Deck

I dug deep into my older stash for this collection from Authentique.  But I found this picture from a few years ago of my husband and a deck hand on the El Galleon when it was docked in St. Augustine.  I found the perfect sketch in one of the sketches over at Let's Get Sketchy:

I am also entering this page in Clique Kits Anything Goes April Challenge.

Thanks for stopping by tonight.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Happy Birthday Cole

I am catching up on my birthday layouts for my grandchildren.  This page documents Cole's 8th birthday nearly 3 years ago.  I couldn't find any birthday themed papers in my stash that suited me (Note to self: must replenish birthday stash) so I went with using Echo Park's fun collection That's My Boy and a fun scripty birthday title.  I used Let's Get Sketchy's Week #3 sketch:

There is an awesome prize up for grabs this month and I hope to create pages with all the April sketches in order to maximize my chances of winning and also to get some great pages finished and in the books.  If you want to check out the sketches and the prize all the details are HERE

I am also entering this page in the April Anything Goes challenge at Clique Kits.

Thanks for stopping by....I had a wonderful weekend and I hope yours was just as good.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

You Are My Happy

Imaginisce recently came out with several new collections that went immediately on my Must Have list. These papers and embellishments on this page featuring my adorable granddaughter Abby are from the Sunny collection. Everything on this page is from that collection or from Imaginisce except for the navy blue cardstock used for matting and the buttons/twine.  Isn't this little crab absolutely adorable?  I added it as a little nod to the nicknames I have for my granddaughter when she gets moody....Crabby Abby or Crabigail.  She sure wasn't crabby however in this photo....I love her beautiful smile.

I used this sketch from Imaginisce and am entering this page into their April sketch challenge

Part of the April challenge was also to include buttons which I did in several places on my page.  I especially like the two little black buttons that I added to these cute sunglasses:

It is a little hard to see but I just love the added dimension and cute factor in the buttons on the sunglasses.  The other buttons were added with a twine bow on my journaling spot (just above that cute crab).  I also added a cute yellow button in the middle of that starfish up near the top of the page.

I am also entering this page in the April Anything Goes challenge at Clique Kits and the No Pockets? No Problem! Challenge at Scrapbook Circle.

I am going into work a little late this morning because I have an appointment so I better finish my coffee and run.  I hope your day is awesome!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Be a Little Shellfish

Today is the birthday of a sweet online friend and I wanted to make her a card.  I broke out my never been inked Lawn Fawn Year 6 stamp set and made this card.  I just cannot resist a cute pun.  And I could not resist making that sweet little oyster pink.

I am entering this card at the Mod Squad Water Challenge this week.  My water colored background paper is actually from Kaiser Craft....isn't it beautiful?  I have been practicing make pretty water colored backgrounds myself but using these beautiful papers makes card making even more quick and easy.

I am also entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday challenge to Make it Girlie

Thanks for coming by.



I love the sketches at Let's Get Sketchy and with an awesome prize this month, I am going to try to play with all four of their sketches.  This sketch worked out perfectly for this photo of my son and his family in 2006.  You have enough to get in on the fun -- check out the details HERE

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.  


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Your Future is Bright

My oldest son just received a BIG promotion at work that he has worked very hard for.  I wanted to make a card to send him our congratulations and let him know how proud we are of him..  I reached for my Lawn Fawn stamps which are one of my very favorites.  I used this sketch from Viva La Verve:

Well that is it for now....we have a busy and fun weekend ahead of us.  What are your weekend plans?


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Dave!

My wonderful husband Dave is having a birthday tomorrow.  It really sucks that his birthday this year is on a Wednesday....smack dab in the middle of the work week.  AND we have taken so much time off work recently due to being sick nearly the WHOLE month of March, we cannot take tomorrow off to celebrate properly.  So we will celebrate this weekend but I do have a few surprises planned for him for tomorrow.  I used a super cute stamp from Avery Elle for the Viking on this card....I just cannot resist a good pun.

I also used this awesome sketch by Corri Garza for Paper Issues.  I just love Corri's sketches and cards. I rotated this sketch a quarter turn.

My husband Dave is not the only one having a of my favorite online shops, Simon Says Stamp is turning 7 and having a birthday challenge on their Wednesday challenge blog.  They are offering 7  $50 gift cards to the shop and boy would I love to grab one of those!!  If you are interested in playing along, you need to hurry and link up your birthday project.  There is only about 12 hours left in the challenge.  You can see all the details HERE

Thanks for stopping by tonight.  I will be back in a few days with more to share.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Double Digits

After making a layout for my granddaughter the other day I looked and realized that I had a couple of birthday pages missing for my grandson Cole.  So yesterday after seeing this awesome sketch from DCWV:

I got inspired and created these layout documenting Cole's 10th birthday and the new skateboard that he got. The sketch is the DCWV April Stack-A-Holic layout sketch and I turned it 90 degrees to fit the vertical orientation of my photo.  I used one of my favorite DCWV stacks...The Celebration Stack.  If you would like to enter (you have plenty of time, the challenge is open all month) just click HERE for more details.

Thanks for stopping more birthday page to go and I will be caught up.  Hopefully I will be sharing that in a couple of days.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter 2016

Here is another page I made for my brother-in-laws and Sister-in-laws scrapbook.  With 4 children and working full time, Cheri does not have time to scrapbook so I make a few pages throughout the year and fill a scrapbook for them as a gift every Christmas. They have beautiful active kids with loads of great pictures so I have a lot of awesome material to work with.

I used one of these sketches at Grand Diva's Creative Corner:

I used the sketch in the upper left hand corner.  I am also entering it in the Scrappy Friends Mood Board Challenge.  Here is Kelly's beautiful mood board:

I was inspired by the Easter theme and the pastels colors...especially purple.  I love to scrap with the color purple and often do not get the chance to do so.  

The final Scrappy Friends Challenge is Rochelle's This and That Challenge.  

This month it is to use a Project Life card or a 3x4 card.  I used a 3x4 Project life card....the pink polka dot to the left of my picture is a Project Life card.  I layer some yellow polka dot paper on it and a small card from my Bella Blvd collection.

Three challenges with one layouts.  I love the Scrappy Friends monthly challenge and try to play along every month.  There is still plenty of time for you to play along as well.  Click any of the above underlined links for more information.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Today is Your Day

My granddaughter Abby, turned 8 last month and of course I had to document it.  I wish she would slow down a bit....She is growing up much too fast.

I used this awesome sketch from Laura Whitaker at Stuck? Sketches:

Well, the weekend is over and it is back to work tomorrow.  I am going to be working on My November 2015 pocket pages this week and maybe another birthday layout....this time for my grandson Cole.  Do you have an creative plans for the week?
