
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Winner!!!!

A couple of weeks ago I asked my blog readers to post what they were most grateful for going into Thanksgiving week and I would pick a winner and send a surprise out to them.  I was supposed to post the winner on Thanksgiving and I totally forgot.  Sorries!  Anyway without further ado here is the winner:

Suzy said...
I absolutely love this frame Sandi! You make such fun projects with lots of different product/textures. Hmm.. something "little" I'm thankful for.. that I have a hubby who sends me a text or an email throughout the day to let me know he's thinking of me and wishes me a good day. I always seem to open them when things are hectic and they definitely calm me down and make me look forward to going home to a quiet and happy home! :)
Suzanne I will be sending you out a special surprise very soon....thanks for your sweet comment.


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