
Friday, September 21, 2012


The last time there was a "super moon" we were away in the Florida Keys celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary.  We found a beautifully scenic spot and waited for the moon to rise over the water.  It was spectacular.  While waiting, I snapped this shot of Dave with my cell phone camera on the shore.  I forgot to wipe the lens clean and got this fuzzy effect on the photo.  I really liked it as I felt it added a certain dream-like quality to the picture.
For this page I used my 6x6 paper pad from Authentique's Fresh collection and their September sketch:

I got the wood shapes from an online friend who's hubby lasers cuts the most beautiful items. Their is still time to enter a page of your own using this sketch.  You can see all the details on the Authentique Blog HERE.

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