
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You Make Me Smile

Having raised two boys and then being blessed with two grandsons, imagine my delight when Abby came into our lives four and a half  years ago.  A grandaughter!  And now as she is growing we are developing a wonderful relationship.  I see much of myself in her....she is sassy, outspoken, fun-loving and has an attitude.  Recently when visiting her I asked her if she wanted to come live with me in Florida and without hesitating she said "YES".  I told her that her mom and dad would miss her and she replied "They have Izzy to play with". (Izzy is Abby's little sister)  How cute is that?  Well she didn't come home with me and on our last night of vacation when saying goodbye, she and I both cried. A LOT.  And I miss her and the rest of my family but scrapping pictures like this help and make me smile.
I used Echo Park's Paradise Beach and Let's Get Sketchy's awesome layout:

I am also entering this page in Frosted Design's Fabulous Friday challenge to use a journaling card.
Edited to Add:
I am entering this cute of layout into Paper Isssues newest issue--- Gettin' the Scoop on the Sweet Days of Summer


  1. Lovely layout and photo. Love the colors and journaling. Thanks for playing along this week at LGS!

  2. The perfect colors for your awesome picture! What a great story behind that photo too. Thanks for joining in at Lets Get Sketchy!

  3. So sweet - such a great photo!! Love your bright colour choices :-) Thanks so much for joining us this week at Let's Get Sketchy!

  4. What a fun layout! I love the photo! You can't help but smile looking at it. Nice job on the sketch! Thanks so much for joining in at Let's Get Sketchy!

  5. What a great layout!! As a mom of all boys I am hoping for a granddaughter someday (not too soon)!! You did a great take on the sketch!!

    Thanks for sharing your layout with us at Frosted Designs!!

  6. fabulous take on the sketch, such a bright and fun layout! thanks for playing along with us at LGS!

  7. What a sweet page! Thanks for playing along with LGS!

  8. Wonderful LO! Grandkids are indeed a blessing. Enjoy them while their young. =)

    Wonderful work! Thanks for joining the 29th Sketch Challenge at Let’s Get Sketchy!

    Blog: Creo by Lady Katutz

  9. beautifully done, great colors. Thanks for playing along with LGS!

  10. bright fun colours and great take on the sketch..thanks for playing along at LGS

  11. Love those papers and how you interpreted the sketch! Thanks for playing with us this week at LGS!
