
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


While in Chicago last month we went out to Cold Stone Creamery with Matt, Amy, Abby and Izzy for ice cream....boy was it good.  And it was so much fun sitting outside on a summer night and eating ice cream.  I really miss being able to do things like that on a regular basis.  Halfway through eating our treats, Abby decided she wanted to switch her half melted ice cream for my turtle sundae.  I am her grandma....could I say "no"?  Of course not! 
I love the way the page turned fun and colorful.  I used Bo Bunny's Sweet Tooth collection and this sketch #227 from Creative Scrappers:
Edited to Add:
I am also linking this page up with Paper Issues current issue: Gettin' the Scoop on the Sweet Days of Summer

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