
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Like Peas & Carrots

Dave and I live in one of the prettiest places in this country....the Florida coast.  A couple of weeks ago we had a date night and went for dinner at a new restaurant on the Flagler Beach Pier.  After dinner Dave took this picture of us.  Since Dave is over a foot taller than me the top of his head often gets cut off in self portrait pictures but I love these type of pictures and I have a whole collection of them starting when we first started dating.  Speaking of dating I took the title of this page from our favorite movie....a movie we first watched while dating.  Do you know what movie it is?
This is my second layout assignment that I created for my new design team Miracle Momma Designs and I used this awesome sketch from Heather:
I would love to see you work with this sketch....check out the details HERE:
There is even a digital template for you digi-scrappers.


  1. Great layout! Loved that Forest run hehe...


  2. This is just too cute for words. And I really am loving your blog design by the way!!! :) If you have a chance check out the new scrapbooking blog starting up. Your layouts would be a great fit for the coming challenges and you might enjoy the inspiration!! :) :) :) :) :)
