
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ahoy Mates

A few weeks ago I was looking through my old photo files on my computer and came across this photo from 3.5 years ago of my grandsons.  Dave and I were visiting the family in Chicago and we all went to the Museum of Science and Industry (love that place).  This is Jacob and Cole at age 8 and 4 posing with the anchor of the captured German WWII U Boat the U505.  It is on display there at the museum and is awesome to check out.  Don't miss it if you are in Chicago.

Recently I have been really into the nautical/anchor trend so I had lots of goodies to use on this layout.  I used Creative Scrappers Sketch #253:
Thank you for checking out my blog......come back tomorrow to see one of the cutest cards I think I made for Halloween this year.
Edited 6/23/14 to add:
I am entering this page in the current Paper Issues In the Navy issue.

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