
Friday, November 22, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

My granddaughter Abby started kindergarten a couple of months ago and doesn't she look thrilled in this picture???  LOL  We have a real family where the kids don't always smile and aren't exactly thrilled about the first day of school or getting her picture taken!!  It took her awhile to get acclimated but she is doing well now in school and getting into the swing of things.
I used Echo Park's Paper & Glue Collection and this sketch from My Scraps and More Sketches:
I am also entering this page in Frosted Designs 11 challenge -- I used 4 of the 11 embellishments:
a star (on top of the schoolhouse)
a circle (the cork under the owl)
stitching (around the outer edge)
the banner (under the photos)
Thanks for checking out my blog....I am on vacation for the next 8 days so I hope to be sharing plenty of projects with you.


  1. What a sweet layout.. Really like that schoolhouse is adorable! LOVE the title block!

  2. Super cute school layout! Loving the chalkboard 'K'. Abby is adorable smiling or not :-)

    Enjoy your vacation!

  3. I love this Sandi! Super cute...

  4. Aww….really cute page Sandy! Thanks for playing along with us at Frosted Designs!

  5. Love your layout! Thanks for playing along with us at My Scraps & More!!

  6. such a cute school page!!!! wonderful!!!! thanks sooo much for playing along with My Scraps & More sketches this week!!!!

  7. What a cute school page!
    Thanks for playing along with us at My Scraps & More!
