
Sunday, July 6, 2014

700th Post!!!!

As I started this post I saw this this is my 700th post....wowzers!  That is unbelievable!  I remember starting this blog in 2011 somewhat reluctantly.  I honestly did not think I had the time or the content to blog.  Well, obviously that is not true.  While I post mostly my crafty projects on here I love being able to share with my readers a part of my life.  So THANK YOU for stopping by and sharing a little bit of me.
I think this calls for a celebration!!  Leave me a comment and tell me how long you have been blogging or crafting and I will enter you in a drawing for a $20 gift card to the shop of your choice.  It can be anywhere....Starbucks,, Michaels, Old Navy.  It is your choice.  It is just my way of saying "Hey, thanks for stopping by."
Now on to the business at hand.....I actually created a wedding layout today from MY wedding.  Okay, I know I was married 11+ years ago but I am in the process of re-doing my wedding album.  The first one I started in the 8.5x11 format when I first got into scrapping and wanted to color coordinate the pages and have them 12x12.
I used this sketch (Pansy #1) from Scrapbook Steals Mid-Week Mojo:
Instead of two 4x6 pictures I used one 4x6 and two 3x3 photos.
The page tells of our ride up and down the Vegas with the Elvis impersonator that married us.  We got married in 2003....good times.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave me a comment so your name can go in the drawing for a gift card....who doesn't LOVE shopping on someone else's dime?


  1. Congrats on 700! I do not keep up with my blog so I admire your dedication! Congrats - keep posting and we'll keep visiting!

  2. Congrats on 700 posts, Sandi!!

    I have been blogging since 2006 and crafting since 2004. Your page is gorgeous, well worth the effort with all that silver! How fun to ride down the strip with Elvis :-) Great interpretation of the sketch.

  3. I've been scrapping since 2008 & I think seriously blogging for less than 3 years I think.

  4. Congrats on 700 posts. Love your layout and your blog. I've been scrapping and blogging since 2009 (only at 762 posts).

  5. My post froze & then posted before I finished. Great layout & so cool to have made so many blog posts. Keep it up.

  6. Congrats on your 700th post, Sandi! I started blogging in 2008, and I've been scrapping since about 2003. LOVE your layout!

  7. Thanks for sharing your wedding layout with us! Awesome!
    Congrats on 700 posts also.... I started paper crafting when my daughter was in preschool, and she is 31 now!!!

  8. Congrats Sandi! Wowzers! that is a pack of blog posts in just a few years! I started in 2011 also, but not near as many posts as you :) Love this layout and I think that you did great on the rendition of the sketch

  9. Congratulations on 700 posts! I've been blogging since 2009 and have no where near that many posts - and I have been scrapping since 1999. Love what you did with the sketch!

  10. Congratulations on 700 posts!! I've been scrapping since 2001 and have years of pictures to get through. I don't have a blog, but so enjoy checking out yours and a lot of others. Love you wedding layout

  11. Wow Sandi that's really amazing!! Congrats on 700, and your page is fabulous. :). I've been scrapping since 2008...
    - April

  12. Wow! 700...impressive. I love this layout. What a fun time it looks like. And 11 years later you 2 still have fun! Awesome! Love the red and black. Love the silver corners a lot. Really a fun layout. TFS.

  13. Woohoo! Congratulations on your 700th blog post! That totally rocks! It's super sweet of you to offer to share in the joy!
    Great job on the layout! You told the story very well with the photos, embellishments and especially that journaling! Thanks so much for sharing this and I look forward to post #701!

  14. CONGRATS on your 700th post!! {actually 702 now. lol}
    I LOVE your layout. Happy 11 years!
    I've been blogging for almost 17 months and just posted #726 today. It's been a fun way to share my crafts and meet new people.
    Crafty hugs,

  15. I am lucky to have been your friend long enough to remember the original wedding album <3 Congrats on 700 posts! I'm afraid to look how many I have. I started scrapbooking in 2004, bloggin in 2007 (I think). So glad you started yours!!

  16. 700 posts! Wow! Congrats. I've been crafting since 2010. And thanks for playing along with Pansy 1. I particularly like how you got so many photos onto the layout.

  17. Congratulations! I think 700 posts is A-MAZING. And I love your version of the sketch.

  18. Yay! Congrats! I started blogging in 2008. When I first started staying home with my son... And I'm so happy I have found this medium to share my crafting through! Thanks so much for the chance!

  19. congrats on so many post!!! I have been blogging for 2 years now but crafting for over 25~my entire adult life and you could go back to my teenage years, too! I love all kinds of crafts but I was a professional crafter in jewelry for the last 25 and now switching to paper!

  20. Your 700th post... that's amazing!
    I started scrapping in 1999 when I was pregnant with Joe.
    I love this wedding layout. You continue to be an inspiration to me.

  21. 700 post is great. You are so busy. Love all your cards and layouts.
