
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Paper Issues Chalk One Up to Your Own Style

I found this little chalkboard at a thrift store and knew I wanted to fix it up for a little gift to give my hubby.  Tomorrow is out 12th anniversary....can everyone say "Awwww...."???  Lol.  Seriously, I am sooo lucky.  I love this man to death.  We love all the same things and have the best time together.  People actually look at us and shake their heads....that is just how cute we are LOL!

I used mostly the Kiss Me collection from Bella Blvd to alter this chalkboard and I am linking it up with Paper Issues lastest linky party -- Chalk One Up to Your Own Style.

I am also entering it in Simon Says Stamp's Monday Anything Goes challenge.

Sohere is a picture of us....wouldn't you agree that I am a lucky girl?

Thanks for stopping by.


Verve Sketch Week #2

I love Verve sketches (and their stamps).  This was such a busy month that I was only able to play with 2 of their 4 sketches.  Here is their second sketch and here is the card I created with it:

I made this card for a dear friend of mine who is having a birthday this weekend.  Renata and I have been friends since 8th grade and she was my maid of honor in my first marriage.  We lost touch with each other for years and reconnected a few years ago via Facebook.  I was pleasantly surprised that she also lives in Florida but farther down south.  I hope to see her later this summer.  By the way....those are roses from my garden.  I just love pink roses.

I am entering this card in the sketch challenge at Verve which you can see HERE.
I am also entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp Monday challenge: Anything Goes

I had surgery earlier this week and am feeling much better so today is my first day back to work.  While we were off and I was recovering my hubby finally brought home his dream car.....which we are taking to work today (we work together).  Look what I will be traveling in:

Thanks for stopping by....have a wonderful day.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Turtle-ly Awesome Adventures

My grandson Cole is a typical boy....he loves frogs, toads, turtles and walks in the wood where he can find all kinds of other creatures.  I wanted to document that all boy-ness about him before he gets to be 13 like his older brother and too cool to have his picture taken.  So that is why I have so many more pages of Cole.  Jake is just way too cool to get photographed....LOL

I used one of my favorite masculine collections....Bella Blvd's Max collection for this page.  I have nearly used up my whole collection of Max.  I think I have 2 sheets, some scraps, and a few alphas and stickers left.  Enough for one layout and some cards.  I love it when I use up a collection.  I also used this sketch from Boys Rule Scrapbook kits by Laura Whitaker:

In addition to the sketch challenge I am entering this page in Lasting Memories Gratitude challenge.  I am so very grateful for my grandchildren and the job that my son is doing to raise his boys as a single dad. 

Thanks for stopping by the blog.  I may be out of commission for a short while as I am having surgery tomorrow.  It is out patient surgery so hopefully I should be up and around and scrapping/sharing very shortly.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

February 2015 Pocket Page #1

I just completed page one of February's 2015 pocket pages.  I am documenting monthly now as Dave and I do not have enough activities in our life to fill 2 pocket pages per week.  But I can usually fill 2-3 pages per month.  I believe that February will be a 3 pager and I will share the other 2 pages when they are complete.

My dear old dad's birthday falls in February so I wanted to make a card that recognized his achievement of 83 years.  I also am working on a 3x4 card journaling our phone convo a few days after his birthday. I really wish we couldf've been together to celebrate this special day.  I used this sketch from Life Zesters for his card:

I really like the way it turned out....simple and fun....just like my dad.  

Edited 8/18/15 to add: I am linking this project up to the current issue at Paper Issues: Pocket-Book with Paper Issues

That is about it....thinking for popping in.


Monday, April 20, 2015

My Little Boy is Turning 35????

Good Grief!  What has my life gone?  Next week my oldest will be 35 years old!  I can still remember being 35 and it does not seem like that long ago.  To celebrate the occasion, I made Matt this card.  I love making masculine cards.  They come very easy to me...perhaps because since most of my life I have lived in almost an exclusively male world.  I have even worked with all men (with one exception for 2 years) for the last 16 years.  Thankfully I now have a wonderful daughter-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters .  And guess what?  I struggle with making feminine, girly cards and layouts.  Funny how that happens.

Anyway I am going to miss being with Matt to celebrate his birthday this year.  He is in Illinois and I live in Florida.  But I did just get to see him last month when Dave and I traveled up there for a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game & Abby's 7th birthday.  We made some awesome memories.  I will still miss him.

I am entering this card in Seize the Birthday's current challenge.  I did not go tall and skinny so this will have to be anything goes.

Well this about wraps up Monday.  I am glad it is behind let's bring on Tuesday.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Beautiful You

I am on a coral and aqua kick this weekend.  This is the second project with this color combo that I created in the last few days.  I just think the colors compliment each other nicely.  For this card I inked up 2 of my Verve stamps for the first time. Don't you just love that little coral elephant?  I think I might send this card to my granddaughter just to let her know I love her and miss her.

I used this awesome sketch from the Viva La Verve blog:

They have 2 more sketches they have already posted this month that I would like to get to as well.  I LOVE their sketches.  You can check them out HERE.

Thanks for dropping by...I appreciate your comments.


Vacation Selfies

Our trip to Colorado last May was awesome.  There is just nothing like springtime in the Rockies.  We are hoping to go back this year in the fall perhaps to see the fall leaves.  I miss fall living here in Florida and I think seeing the Aspen trees and the mountains in the fall would be spectacular.  We will have to see how it works out for us.

In the mean time, I would like to share this page I made with some selfies from last year's trip.  When I met Dave he was taking selfie pictures of us (one advantage of long arms) even before the selfie/cell phone camera trend hit.  Yes, Dave is truly a trend setter. 

I am entering this page in the April 15th challenge at Picture This.  The challenge was to use 3 photos + travel.  I used the awesome travel themed collection from Imaginisce called Perfect Vacation.  I just love that camera background paper.

Thanks for stopping by.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Obsessed With Coral

Lately I have been pretty obsessed with the color coral.  I had my hubby paint two accent walls in our bedroom with a beautiful coral color which just so happens to be Sherwin Williams color of the year.  I bought a coral colored purse with an anchor pattern on it for my spring/summer purse this year. 
(Anchors AND coral?  YES, please!!)  Then I bought a new matching coral wallet and before going on vacation treated myself to a coral-colored gel mani/pedi.  I even found the cutest coral colored chevron print top.  So I decided to document my current color obsession on this page.

I used this awesome sketch from Diana Fisher for Scrapbook Circle:

I recently won a RAK from Jamie Leija who is a member of the Scrapbook Circle design team.  She sent me a tote bag full of her recent Scrapbook Circle kit leftovers.  Oh man!  I am in heaven!  Such. Awesome. Stuff.  Everything on this page except the aqua thread, the Sherwin Williams paint chips and the Thickers for the title came from that RAK.  I really think I need to subscribe to their monthly kits as they have the BEST products all color coordinated to make putting together projects as easy as can be. Because I used all items from Scrapbook Circle kits I am entering this page in Paper Issues Current Issue....Prints Charming.  The prize in an awesome kit from Scrapbook Circle. Hurry you only have a short time left to link up!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  I will be back tomorrow to share a card that I made with this same color combo.....I am on a roll with aqua and coral.  What are your current favorite colors?


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hello Lovely

I just loved this candid photo I took of my granddaughter Abby, last month when we were visiting the family in the Midwest. So when I saw the first Make It Monday sketch for April at The Memory Nest, I got the bright idea to do something totally out of the box.  Here is the sketch:

Instead of using the two square boxes for my photos, I decided to use an enlargement to the right of the squares and add embellishments where the squares are.  I really like how it turned out.  I did not use one manufacturer exclusively either on this page which is very unusual for me.  I fussy cuts some elements from DCWV Photo Stack and I used Doodlebug papers and embellishments.  The white foam glittery hearts and title are from my brand new Pink Paislee Citrus Bliss. The subtitle is a stamp I believe from American Crafts/Studio Calico that I heat embossed.  The "TODAY" is a Bella Blvd scrap that has been laying on my desk for weeks.

In addition to the sketch challenge at The Memory Nest, I am also entering this layout into Clique Kits April Challenge -- Anything Goes

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  I hope to be back in a day or so with another project to share.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Party Animal

I always need birthday cards, don't you?  So I saw this sketch at Mojo Monday and just knew it would be perfect to use my brand new Avery Elle Party Animal stamp and die set.  Here is the sketch:

And there are still a couple of days for you to enter a card for this challenge....the prize is a Verve set of stamps.  I have only 2 small Verve sets and because I LOVE them I really need more of them. For the challenge click HERE

Well that is all for now.....I will be back in a couple of days.


Happy Birthday Babe

I am going to have to hurry with this post as my hubby is out washing the car and when he comes back in we are getting ready to leave for a weekend away.  We are going to Cedar Key to celebrate his 47th birthday.  I made him this card and will give it to him with a small gift on his birthday.  I gave him his BIG gift yesterday.....a drone with a very cool 1080p video camera.  He has already been outside flying it and shot some cool video of our house this morning just as the sun was coming up over the trees.

I used this awesome Paper Issue Sketchy Saturday card sketch by Corri Garza:

I am linking it up over and you can too as the link is open for one more week.  You could win a gift card to the Paper Issues shop which has all the latest and greatest scrappy goodies in stock.  Just check out the details HERE.

I am also entering it in Seize the Birthday's current challenge.  Just click THIS
and you can see the details on that challenge.

Well I better get ready to go off on another adventure with this guy.....

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Have a Whaley Great Christmas

I really want to get started making my Christmas cards now so that come December there is one less thing to do.  This is my first Christmas card I created this year.  I used my brand new and unused Newton's Nook SEAson's Greeting stamp set.  It is absolutely adorable and living in Florida, it was a must have for me.

I am entering it in their Inky Paws Challenge #19 -- Watercolor

Well it is almost the weekend....we are going away to celebrate Dave's 47th birthday and can you believe I have not even made him a card yet?  It is my project for tomorrow after work.  So stop back tomorrow night to see what I come up with.  


Flight Risk

Sometimes I go a little overboard when giving gifts.  But I really love to give a special gift to someone I love and watch (hopefully) the enjoyment they get from it.  Two years ago I gave my hubby the gift of a bi-plane tour of Key West.  The Florida Keys is one of our favorite vacation destinations.  Key Largo is about 6 hours from us....the perfect trip for a long weekend.  This was our second trip to the Keys and we learned a couple of things:
1.  Stay away if at all possible from the Keys over a holiday weekend
2.  If you don't drink (and we don't) there is not much to do in the Keys when it rains...LOL

We had a great deal of rain that Memorial Day weekend but the day that we took the bi-plane tour was beautifully clear and sunny.  I went up with him and it was amazing.  It is something we will definitely do again.

For this page I used the Nautical collection from Fancy Pants and this sketch from Lasting Memories:

I am entering my layout in Lasting Memories Favorite Destination challenge
And since I used Fancy Pants I get a bonus entry....woo hoo!  You really need to check out their kits....they are amazing.

Well it is about time to head for work...just today and tomorrow to get through and then I am whisking my honey away for 3 days to celebrate his 47th birthday.  Wait until he sees what I bought him this year.  His eyes are gonna POP!!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

And The Winner Is.....

I recently had a few days where I won a number of prizes.  Having a winning streak like that sure is a lot of fun.  Last summer my granddaughter Abby had her own winning streak....she won 2 bikes in 2 weeks.  I just had to document it so I created this page for her scrapbook.

I used lots of stuff from my stash and this fun sketch by Jennifer Chapin for Paper Issues:

Thanks for stopping by....I will be back tomorrow with a fun page to share.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Best Day Ever

I have lived in Florida for 8 years now but I really enjoyed my time last month in the Midwest even if it was very cold a couple of days.  There was snow on the ground and it even snowed some flurries for me one morning.  I had not see it snow in 12 years since we moved to South Carolina.  We took the grandkids to the park one day and they played and grandma of course took pictures.  Here is my handsome Cole showing off those gorgeous rosy cheeks.

I used this sketch from Boys Rule Scrapbook Kits:

I am also entering this page in Clique Kits Anything Goes challenge.

Thanks for stopping in and checking out my blog.
