
Monday, April 20, 2015

My Little Boy is Turning 35????

Good Grief!  What has my life gone?  Next week my oldest will be 35 years old!  I can still remember being 35 and it does not seem like that long ago.  To celebrate the occasion, I made Matt this card.  I love making masculine cards.  They come very easy to me...perhaps because since most of my life I have lived in almost an exclusively male world.  I have even worked with all men (with one exception for 2 years) for the last 16 years.  Thankfully I now have a wonderful daughter-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters .  And guess what?  I struggle with making feminine, girly cards and layouts.  Funny how that happens.

Anyway I am going to miss being with Matt to celebrate his birthday this year.  He is in Illinois and I live in Florida.  But I did just get to see him last month when Dave and I traveled up there for a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game & Abby's 7th birthday.  We made some awesome memories.  I will still miss him.

I am entering this card in Seize the Birthday's current challenge.  I did not go tall and skinny so this will have to be anything goes.

Well this about wraps up Monday.  I am glad it is behind let's bring on Tuesday.


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