
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Paintball Warriors

I found an older photo of my oldest grandson and youngest son playing paintball several years ago.  Jacob is now 15 years old and like most teenage boys, he does not like having his picture taken anymore. I desperately need to fill his scrapbook so it is even somewhat close to as full as his younger brother's album so I was really happy to come across this photo.

I used this sketch from DCWV:

I am entering this page in their February Stack-a-Holic sketch challenge. All the papers are from the Guy Stack. I used the leftover papers on the birthday card I made for my dad.  You can see that card HERE

Thanks for stopping by....there is still a few days left if you want to join me in the DCWV sketch challenges. I will be back tomorrow with a coffee themed favorite current trend.


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