
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Photo Bomb

My grandsons have very different personalities.  Jake, the older one is quiet reserved and soft spoken.  Cole, the younger brother is the polar opposite.  This photo that my talented son took captures that.  I used this sketch from My Scraps and More Sketches:

Most of the supplies used are from October Afternoon.  The round sentiments are my Ali Edwards stampe and the alphas in the title are Bella Blvd.  (What ever am I going to do when I run out of white Bella Blvd alphas???)

In addition to the sketch challenge I am also entering this page in Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Anything Goes challenge.

Thanks for stopping in to see my layout....I really appreciate any comments you leave me/



I am not feeling very well today.  I feel like I am coming down with a bad chest cold.  That is very unusual for me.  In the late 80's I worked in a child care center and at that time I think I caught every cold known to man.  In the 13 years that I have known my husband this would only be the second time I got sick with a cold.  Sick or not, I wanted to create a card with this awesome sketch from Sketch-n-Scrap and today is the deadline.  So I got it done....and I like it.  

In addition to entering it over at Sketch-n-Scrap, I am also entering it at Simon Says Stamp Work it Wednesday.  The theme this month are holiday projects.

Well I am going to retire to the couch with my pillow, blankie and cold medicine.  Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.


Easy Bakin'

Another awesome sketch from Creative Scrappers that I just HAD to play with.  I used pictures of my granddaughter with her new Easy Bake oven that we gave her last Christmas.  I actually tried to scrap these photos once before and FAILED.  Has that ever happened to you?  I wasted 3 good sheets of patterned paper also in the process.  So I put the already matted photos aside and waited several months until this sketch came along and inspiration struck.

Please excuse the poor was very late last night when I was photographing this page.  In addition to entering it over at Creative Scrappers, I am also entering this page in Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge Anything Goes.

Well I have to run....this is the last day of my 4 day Thanksgiving weekend and I have a bunch of projects (like finishing the Christmas decorating) left to do before going to back to work (ugh) tomorrow.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Love These Girls

I found this picture on my computer a couple of weeks ago and could not believe that I had never scrapped it.  This is the first (and last) time my granddaughters ever went to a photographer to get their pictures taken.  My daughter-in-law said it was such a horrendous experience that she never did it again...LOL.  It seems that neither of the girls were very cooperative and there were only about 3 pictures for a 45 minute session that even somewhat turned out.  This was one of them and of course I think it is cute.  Thank goodness they both go to school now and get school pictures taken -- and I believe they are a bit more cooperative.

I used this sketch from Stuck? Sketches and an entering it on their blog with just minutes to spare.

I am also linking this page up to Simon Says Stamp Work It Wednesday Holiday Theme.

I am staying up late tonight creating in my scraproom so stay tuned....I will have more to share.


Holly Jolly Shaker Card

I have really been enjoying making shaker cards.  I am watching loads of tutorials and finding the best way to make them that works for me. Here is another card I made using this sketch from CAS(E) This Sketch:

 I am also linking this page up to Simon Says Stamp Work It Wednesday Holiday Theme.

There is still time for you to link up your entry...I would love to see your take on this sketch.
Well back to my Christmas coming soon!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Always Reach Higher

I loved this sketch from Creative Scrappers as soon as I saw it and I knew what picture I was going to use.  My 13 year old grandson Jacob is the tallest in his school so the coach of course recruited him for the basketball team. Here is a shot of him going up for a jump ball.  Of course as a grandma, I wanted to get a little preaching in as well...hence the title and journaling.

I am entering this layout in Lasting Memories challenge "It's All About the Title" as well as the sketch challenge at Creative Scrappers.

Well this is my last work day this week and I am looking forward to a long weekend.  We are enjoying the Thanksiving meal just the two of us and finishing up our Christmas decorating.  Dave is also going to finish painting his man cave.  What are your plans?

Edited to add...I am linking this up to the current issues of Paper Issues -- You Rule the School


Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas Shaker Card

When I saw this sketch last week at CAS(E) This Sketch, I knew it was perfect to showcase a shaker card. 

 I used a die cut from American Crafts that was in my stash for a couple of years, added a few white sequins and made a little shaker out of it.  A few dash lines, a bow made from a Dear Lizzy die and an adorable tiny print sentiment from Stampin' Up and this sweet little card is done. 

How is your holiday card making coming?


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Let's Chill

I loved this sketch from My Favorite Things as soon as I saw it last week and I made sure that I made time to create a cute card with it.  I got it done tonight and I think my 6 year old granddaughter is going to like it.........

I used my new 6x6 Doodlebug Santa Express paper pad, embossed a cool sentiment (pun from Paper Smooches and added the funkiest little felt snowman from Basic Grey.

Well it is back to work tomorrow but at least it is a short work week....just 3 days,  Woo Hoo!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Winner of my Giveaway!

I am sorry for being a day late in posting my giveaway winner.  This had been one heck of a work week and very little of it was good, unfortunately.  But on a positive note, it is the weekend and I get to spend it with my bestest good friend in the whole world.

Well on to announcing my winner.  I used to choose my winner who turned out to be:

Ruth G.!!

Congratulations!  Please send me your address Ruth and I will send your prize out right away so you can use it to make some Christmas projects.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Stuck On U Sketches Project Life Challenge -- Woodgrain

They say all good things must come to an end and I guess that is true because this is my final post for the Stuck on U Sketches Project Life design team.  I have so enjoyed these challenges these last few months and working with such talented designers.  I am grateful for the time I spent on the team and all the inspiration I received.

This challenge is to use woodgrain -- and boy did I embrace that challenge!!  I love woodgrain and not only used woodgrained patterned papers I also used some wooden banners and an actual slice of wood that I stamped, fun!  Here are some close-ups of each page:

I hope you will join with me and link up a wood grain project.  There is a wonderful prize up for grabs.  For more information and to link your project go to the Stuck on U Sketches blog.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Find The Joy

I love blue and silver together for the holidays.  I heat embossed the ornaments with silver embossing powder and added a few snowflakes and some bling for this simple card.

While I did not get a whole lot of crafting done this weekend, I did get some purging and rearranging done.  My husband is finally turning our 4th bedroom into his man cave so I had to move my photo booth into my scraproom and make room for it.  While I did that I also cleaned out and re-organized the small walk-in closet that I have in my scraproom.  Here are some pictures:

The picture above and below are in my scrap closet.

The above picture shows my desk relatively cleared off. And the picture below shows the new location of my photo booth.

 Thanks for stopping in today.  Have a wonderful week.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Holly Jolly

Last weekend I found these foil tags in my stash so I ran a bunch of them through my Cuttlebug with embossing folders and you will be seeing them in many of my upcoming projects.  They are just so fun and festive!  For this card I used the first November card sketch from Sketch-n-Scrap:

I am also entering this in My Craft Spot's Sequin Challenge.

Have a wonderful weekend -- I am very glad that it is Friday.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

There is a really fun challenge going on for Amy Tsuruta's Blogaversary.  She has challenged us to post a picture of one of our earliest projects with a link to one of our first blog posts.  I am going to take on the challenge.  I was somewhat of a Johnny-come-lately to the blogging craze.  I started my blog in Feb. 2011.  This card was one of my first posts:

 Back in those days (just 3.5 years ago) I was basically a scrapbooker that started making cards with my scraps.  I didn't know much about stamping and didn't even own any stamps.  I used alphas on my cards or computer generated sentiments like on this card.  That sure has changed!  I now have 100's of stamps.  What hasn't changed is my love for polka dots (as you can see in this card) and using lots of dash lines on my cards.

Click HERE link to see my blog post from February 12, 2011

I would love to see one of your early blog posts....why don't you join in the fun?  If you do, leave me a link to your blog in the comments so I can check it out.  And don't forget to enter my giveaway HERE for some fun Christmas goodies.


Week #48 and a Giveaway!

I am still catching up on my 2013 pages but having a blast doing it.  It is like reliving the weeks.  This week (Thanksgiving week 2913) was especially fun as Dave and are were off for the week and enjoyed a "Staycation".  Here are close-ups of each page:

For the above page on my title card I recycled a handmaded card that was sent to me by Torico from Japan....I received it in a swap I think and it was so beautiful I wanted to keep it forever.  And what better way to do that but to incorporate it in one of my pages.  I often do that with handmade cards that are sent to me.

We hosted Thanksgiving last year with my in-laws and the above page documents the food prep and the meal.

Just for fun, I want to have a little giveaway with some fun Christmas supplies.  If you are like me you are knee deep in Christmas project preparations.  Cards, gift tags, a couple of wreaths and gift bags are all on my to-do list.  These goodies can help you out with that.  Just comment on this post and tell me your favorite Christmas memory.  I will pick a winner on November 20th.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Cole

The Paper Issues Sketchy Saturday sketch that was just posted a couple of days ago really inspired me.  I rarely get creative Monday - Friday because I work long hours and get up very early in the morning.  I am usually spent by the time I get home.  But Monday night, having been inspired by this sketch, I pulled out some fun papers to match the fun birthday picture of my grandson Cole.  Last night I drank an energy drink and sat down determined to create.  It was a lot easier that I expected....probably due to this fun sketch:
I had a lot of fun mixing and matching papers and using loads of fun embellishments.  I actually used products from Bella Blvd., Carta Bella, Imaginisce, October Afternoon, Simple Stories,  & Pinkfresh Studios. Cole has a wild and fun personality and I wanted the page to reflect that.

I hope you have time to create with this fun sketch.  If you do, you can link it up HERE and maybe win some goodies.

Thanks for dropping by.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Stick It Down November Card Sketch

I loved working with this month's card sketch on the Stick It Down Challenge blog.  I decided to do something out of the box for me.....coloring images and creating a little scene.

I used my Paper Smooches stamp set and dies for the snowy stitched hills. It doesn't show up too well in the photo but I added lots of shimmer on the snowman and snow hills from my Wink of Stella clear glitter pen.

I hope I encouraged you and inspired you to try this know you have some Christmas cards left to create and this sketch is perfect to use.  Check out some of the other DT cards for even more inspiration.  Thanks for stopping by and Happy Veteran's Day.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Warm Wishes

I recently bought and received this awesome "Warm Wishes" stamp that I used on this card.  It is from one of my new favorite stamp companies,,,,,Neat & Tangled.  You can see their shop HERE. And while this stamp might be sold out, you can see the other awesome stamps that I have be drooling over for months now.  This is actually the 3rd stamp from Neat & Tangles that I own but I believe that it is just the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship.....LOL

I couldn't wait to use my new stamp so I decided to enter the Little Tangles Challenge #48.

I actually love this color combo and when I showed my hubby this card, he liked it and said it looked " Howard Johnson colors"  I think it will make a great birthday card for a friend with a January birthday.  I also plan on using it on a bunch of Christmas cards....the stamps takes ink perfectly and I got a beautifully sharp embossed sentiment.

I used this card sketch from CAS(E) This Sketch:

Isn't it a great sketch?  I was entering the sketch contests at CTS quite regularly and then I got away from it but I am going to keep working on my clean and simple style and get back to entering their challenges.

That is it for bed is calling me.  5am comes very quickly.  Thanks for stopping by here to check out my creations.  I would love it if you left me a comment.


My Craft Spot Challenge #156 -- Metal

I love challenges because they push my imagination and force me out of the box to create. Challenge #156 at My Craft Spot did just that.  I would never have thought to use something metal on a project.  When I saw the challenge last week I passed over it thinking metal = brads and I don't use brads much any more.  But over the weekend I found these foil tags in my stash and thought they would look awesome embossed on a card.  Then I remembered the challenge to use metal and this card was conceived.  I am slipping this card right under the deadline, also.

I used this wonderful card sketch from Sketchy Saturday on the Paper Issues blog:

I am also entering this card in Virginia's View Metallic Challenge.  I have been admiring her challenges and the gorgeous entries from so many extremely talented designers for several months now.  I must admit to being slightly intimidated to enter any of my creations but I am throwing off that feeling and I am going to throw my hat in her ring.

I am really starting to get in the groove lately and feel my mojo flowing so stay tuned for more projects and I haven't forgotten about that giveaway....I will get that posted soon too.

Make someone smile today.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

Whew, what a busy and fun weekend!  I am hard at work on my Christmas projects and here is another card. For this card I used this awesome sketch from Mojo Monday:

I love their sketches and on the first week of the month they post a sketch and give away an awesome prize....your choice of a Verve stamp for every 50 entries.

Thanks for checking out my blog......I love to read your comments so if you have the time leave me a comment please.  Thanks!


You Rock!

We recently had trouble with our car and of course it was while I was driving it.  And it was while we were at work.  Luckily my hubby and I work together and he also is awesome at fixing things.  Anything actually.  In fact he fixed my vintage camera this morning that I accidently (gasp!) dropped. (Note to self:  Do not handle treasured items in the morning until having had at least one cup of coffee.)

So, back to the car repair story.  Dave was able to properly diagnose the problem (camshaft sensor whatever that is) and borrowed the boss's truck to get the part.  He looked up on the internet where it was and how to replace it but unfortunately due to his large hands he couldn't access the part.  You know what they say about big hands, don't you? Yeah, that you can't fit your hands in small areas of engine compartments. (Where did you think I was going with this????)

Fortunately a co-worker is of a much smaller stature than Dave and was able to help remove/replace the sensor and the problem was solved for $10 along with a few bruised knuckles and a couple of cuss words.  To thank Ken, Dave wants to buy him lunch.  Unfortunately Ken is rarely around the branch at lunch time since he is one of our delivery drivers.  So I made this card and am going to enclose a gift card for a Jersey Mike's Big Kahuna and I think Ken will like that.

I used the November card sketch from DCWV:

 I am also entering this at the current Issue of Paper Issues -- Witching You a Happy Halloween with SRM Stickers.  The "thank you" sentiments are SRM stickers.  I love how they blend perfectly with my projects and do not even appear to be stickers.

That's it for now.  Hang on and I will return with another blog post and there (might) be a giveaway.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Favorite Things Sketch

I was bad this year and did not start making my Christmas cards last July.  I am usually part of a month long Christmas in July challenge and get the bulk of my cards done.  But this year we went on vacation in July so now I am trying to make a few for some special people on my holiday card list.  Sadly this year most of our friends and family will be receiving a photo Christmas card from us.  That is if we can get a good picture tomorrow of us.

For this quick and easy card I used this sketch from My Favorite Things:

I try to play along every week....the sketches always inspire and there are great prizes up for grabs also.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog.  I will be back soon with more projects to share.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Stuck on U Sketches PL Challenge -- Use Plaid

The new challenge is up on Stuck on U Sketches and it is a good one.....Add Plaid.  I would never have thought to add plaid to my pages but boy do I love the end result!!  This is another catch-up page from 2013.  I am nearly done with last year's pages and then I will need to catch up on this year's pages.  I don't mind being behind...I focus on the process and I am having a blast.  If you get behind make sure you have good notes as to what happened each week and try to print your pictures every week or catching up will be a bit more difficult/time consuming.

Here is a close-up of my left hand sheet:

And here is the right hand sheet:

I chose the plaid paper I was going to use with this spread and I drew my color scheme from that paper.  Then I started to pull my cards and embellies at coordinate and it all came together.  I love the way the pages flow together when there is some sort of unifying factor or element.

I hope you will give our challenge a try...I would love to see what you create.
