
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Las Vegas Wedding

I am re-doing our wedding scrapbook.  The first one I started was 8.5x11 and I was brand new at this hobby.  Needless to say I am not happy with the way it looks.  This time around I am using a color palette of red/white/black only and the pages will be 12x12.  I have an awesome black and white chevron album for it as well. So here is the second page I have done...the first page I finished a few weeks ago and it was a page on my wedding shoes.  You can see it HERE. And by the way....YES, I wore a black dress for our wedding and I still love that I did.
For this layout, I used this sketch from The Scraproom Blog:
Thank you for checking out my blog....have a wonderful week.

Family 2003

I had a catastrophe happen when I was nearly done with this page.  I pulled out the gray washi tape because I thought the page neede just a little more something and i dropped a length of it on the picture.  When I pulled it up it pulled off the print from the picture.  This is a picture that I printed years ago at home on a cheap printer and I framed the picture as it is the only picture of my dad and all three of us kids in recent history.  The original digital picture was lost when my computer crashed nearly 3 years ago so this was the only copy. Hence that is why I wanted to scrap it. I was heartbroken.  I somewhat salvaged the layout but I am still very upset.  At least none of our faces were damaged.
My color palette of navy, gray and white was inspired by this color challenge over at ScrapFit:
  I used this sketch from Sketches in Thyme:

I rotated the sketch 90 degrees to better accomodate my picture, title and journaling.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Smash Cake

Izzy had a wonderful time attacking and eating her smash cake at her recent birthday party.  All the adults were gathered around her snapping pictures -- we looked liked the paparazzi!!  I had so many good pictures that I had to do a 2 page spread.  Here is a close up of the left page:

This is the right side page:

I used this 2 page sketch from Sketches in Thyme:

Thanks for checking out my blog....I appreciate each and every comment!

Florida Keys

My friend Kristie Wilson gifted me this awesome title and I was saving it for just the perfect page.  I saw this week's sketch from Let's Get Sketchy:
And I just know I wanted to use the pictures of me feeding the tarpon on Islamorada (our favorite of the Keys) on our first of what we hope to be many trips down there.  The title was perfect for this page....thank you Kristie!!


I am still working on finishing up my son's childhood photo albums.  I scrapped this photo once before and wanted to make sure it was in both Matt and Adam's albums so I wanted to scrap it again.  This time I used Jillibean Soup papers and their sketch:
This layout was also inspired by the Fall Color Challenge over at Cut It Up Challenges:
I used mostly the same color palette and even included an apple on my layout (do you see it??) The challenge also included using a die cut on my project so I included that cute little picket fence. You can see more about the challenge HERE.
Thanks again for stopping by and checking out my creations.  I love reading your comments.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Jacob and Cole are the best of friends which is really the way it should be in life.  This picture was actually taken a year ago this month....I should be ashamed for not scrapping it sooner but I finally found the right papers and layout to use for it...and don't you just LOVE those lil' flair buttons?
I used this sketch from Boys Rule:

I am also linking up this page over at Paper Issues Fall 'n for Flair theme.  Thanks for stopping by today and checking out my blog.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


While in Chicago last month we went out to Cold Stone Creamery with Matt, Amy, Abby and Izzy for ice cream....boy was it good.  And it was so much fun sitting outside on a summer night and eating ice cream.  I really miss being able to do things like that on a regular basis.  Halfway through eating our treats, Abby decided she wanted to switch her half melted ice cream for my turtle sundae.  I am her grandma....could I say "no"?  Of course not! 
I love the way the page turned fun and colorful.  I used Bo Bunny's Sweet Tooth collection and this sketch #227 from Creative Scrappers:
Edited to Add:
I am also linking this page up with Paper Issues current issue: Gettin' the Scoop on the Sweet Days of Summer

New Love

These pictures of Matt and Amy were taken when they were dating.  It was their first trip down to South Carolina to see Dave and I.  This was when we met and starting loving my future daughter in law.  From these pictures you can tell how much they care for each other also. While they were out visiting we celebrated Matt's birthday with a boat trip to Morris Island lighthouse and also went to Charleston, SC
For this page I used some older paper from Bella Blvd and their chipboard letters and embellishments.  I also used this sketch from Sketches in Thyme:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fun at the Lake

My son Adam does loads of fun things with his boys all the time and I don't know who has more fun....them or him!!  And I have fun scrapping the photos so it is a win-win situation for all of us!
The Frosted Designs Fabulous Friday challenge this week is to use triangles on your project.  I saw this sketch from Creative Scrappers and knew the two were meant to go together!

I used Bella Blvd papers and embellies along with some of my ever-growing collection of washi tape.
Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hangin' with Dad......

I am finishing up my boys' childhood albums. I scrapped this photo before but wanted to include it in both albums so I did it again.  This time I used several different papers from a couple of different Bella Blvd collections which is quickly becoming my favorite manufacturer.  I absolutely love everything they put out...their collections are so bright and happy.  I also used this sketch from a new challenge site Mother of Boys Scrapbooking Kits:

I am excited that there is a new challenge site around...seems like a few of my favorites are either gone or cut way back on the challenges.  This was a great sketch to work with and I love the way my layout turned out.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Sister, My Friend

I made pages for each of my beautiful nieces -- Kelsey and Shannon.  They live in Michigan and I will be sending these framed to them for their birthdays.  For this layout I used all products from My Mind's Eye excpt for the yellow and green cardstock and the letters for the title. I used this sketch from The Studio Challenges:
Then to enter the Make it Work challenge over at My Mind's Eye, I made a card to match:
I used the same border punch on yellow cardstock, a black sentiment to imitate the black title on the layout and the same hexagon paper.  I even added faux stitching on the card as well as on the circles on the layout.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The last time there was a "super moon" we were away in the Florida Keys celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary.  We found a beautifully scenic spot and waited for the moon to rise over the water.  It was spectacular.  While waiting, I snapped this shot of Dave with my cell phone camera on the shore.  I forgot to wipe the lens clean and got this fuzzy effect on the photo.  I really liked it as I felt it added a certain dream-like quality to the picture.
For this page I used my 6x6 paper pad from Authentique's Fresh collection and their September sketch:

I got the wood shapes from an online friend who's hubby lasers cuts the most beautiful items. Their is still time to enter a page of your own using this sketch.  You can see all the details on the Authentique Blog HERE.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rocky Mountain High

This is my final page to scrap from our trip to Colorado nearly a year and a half ago.  We plan on going out west on vacation next year so I am sure there will be more pages in my Colorado album but for now this is it.  It feels really good to have completed a project.

For this page I used this sketch from Paper Craft Crew:

I loved the sketch and stayed pretty true to it with the exception of my title placement.  For my page, it just felt more balanced to have the title on the left.  Part of the challenge also was to use at least 2 Stampin' Up products which was easy for me....I LOVE my SU cardstock!!  I used the SU smooth black cardstock and punched those hearts with my SU punch:

This is a new challenge site and this is their first sketch so I am excited to take part in it.  Thanks for the inspiration and helping me to get my Colorado album finished.

I am linking this up to Paper Issues Woodn't You Know -- It's Fall

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This is such an awesome picture of Adam and Cole with a beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan last fall.  Way in the background is the Michigan City, Indiana lighthouse.  The picture was taken by my oldest grandson Jacob (I think) and I just think it is a beautiful photo that was begging to be scrapped.
I just love the DCWV sketch this month and this paper? It's from a stack called The Snapshot Stack and it is AWESOME.  I will most definitely be using every single page and scrap out of this stack. It wasn't easy to find but I finally found it in North Carolina at Michael's while visiting my brother in law and sister in law in July.
In addition to the DCWV September Stack-a-Holic challenge I am also entering it in the Scrapbook Circle's Speech Bubble challenge.

You Make Me Smile

Having raised two boys and then being blessed with two grandsons, imagine my delight when Abby came into our lives four and a half  years ago.  A grandaughter!  And now as she is growing we are developing a wonderful relationship.  I see much of myself in her....she is sassy, outspoken, fun-loving and has an attitude.  Recently when visiting her I asked her if she wanted to come live with me in Florida and without hesitating she said "YES".  I told her that her mom and dad would miss her and she replied "They have Izzy to play with". (Izzy is Abby's little sister)  How cute is that?  Well she didn't come home with me and on our last night of vacation when saying goodbye, she and I both cried. A LOT.  And I miss her and the rest of my family but scrapping pictures like this help and make me smile.
I used Echo Park's Paradise Beach and Let's Get Sketchy's awesome layout:

I am also entering this page in Frosted Design's Fabulous Friday challenge to use a journaling card.
Edited to Add:
I am entering this cute of layout into Paper Isssues newest issue--- Gettin' the Scoop on the Sweet Days of Summer

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Izzy


I am a Proud Grandma to put it mildly.  I love my grandchildren and think they are the most beautiful, handsome, smart and wonderful children on earth. This is the youngest of those beautiful smart and wonderful children....Isabelle Grace (I gave her that beautiful middle name) but we all call her Izzy.  She turned a year old in August and I was lucky enough to be there for the celebration.  She even wore the dress I bought her.  She has the sweetest and most precious personality and loves to cuddle against my shoulder.  I sure do miss her, her sister and her cousins.
For this layout of her at her birthday party I used my Bella Blvd Birthday Girl collection which I bought speciafically to scrap the birthday party pictures.  How awesome that the papers perfectly match her dress!  I also used this awesome sketch from Creative Scrappers:
This layout is now framed and hanging on my scrap room wall because I just love looking at my sweet little Izzy.  Thanks for dropping in here at my blog.
Edited to Add:
I am linking this page up with Paper Issues current issue -- Gettin' the Scoop on Sweet Days of Summer

Sunday, September 16, 2012


My son Adam, his dad and the boys were at an art festival and posed for this impromptu family portrait.....I just love it and wanted to scrap it for him.
I used mostly stuff out of my stash and a bunch of random washi tapes behind the picture that I framed with a chipboard frame from October Afternoon.  I used this sketch from Artful Delight:
There is still time to enter their sketch contest and maybe win one of their awesome kits.  You can find all the details on the sidebar of the blog HERE.
Have a wonderful week everyone!